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  • The four faces of Cividale - without architectural barriers

    Cividale is so steeped in history that the visitor can actually feel it.

    The town has preserved the most important artistic and cultural features of its extremely wealthy past.

    A Roman, Longobard, Patriarchal and Veneto city these are the four different faces of Cividale, which visitors can still admire today in an unforgettable journey through time.

    Total time: total from around 2 hours and 30 minutes to 4 hours (possible visits to Monastery, to Christian museum and to National Archaeological Museum with entrance fees)

    Distance: circa 3 km

    Difficulty: low (the museums are accessible to people of limited mobility)

    Start: Piazza Paolo Diacono, 10 (Informacittà counter – Information and tourist centre)
    - Corso Paolino d’Aquileia, Town hall building;
    - Piazza del Duomo: National Archaeological Museum; Palazzo de Nordis and Cathedral;
    - just past the corner of the Cahedral, turn into Via G.B. Candotti (slight gradient): Christian Museum and Cathedral Treasure;
    - corso Paolino d’Aquileia towards Devil's bridge;
    -via Monastero Maggiore: Monastery of Santa Maria in Valle and Longobard Temple;
    - return throughvia Monastero Maggiore, in the direction of Devil's bridge;, and again corso Paolino d'Aquileia;
    - Largo Boiani, Foro Giulio Cesare, piazza Dante: Veneto Arsenal Porta S.Pietro;
    - via Ristori, Piazza Paolo Diacono.

    There is an alternative to this route without architectural barriers: The four faces of Cividale - with architectural barriers
  • The 4 faces of Cividale

    Cividale is so steeped in history that the visitor can actually feel it.

    The town has preserved the most important artistic and cultural features of its extremely wealthy past.

    A Roman, Longobard, Patriarchal and Veneto city these are the four different faces of Cividale, which visitors can still admire today in an unforgettable journey through time.

    Total time: total from around 2 hours and 30 minutes to 4 hours (possible visits to Monastery, to Christian museum and to National Archaeological Museum with entrance fees)

    Distance: cc. 3 kilometres

    Difficulty: low (the museums are accessible to people of limited mobility)

    Start: Piazza Paolo Diacono, 10 (Informacittà counter – Information and tourist centre)
    - Corso Mazzini, corso Paolino d’Aquileia, via Monastero Maggiore: Celtic Hypogeum (stairs present)
    - Corso Paolino d’Aquileia, Town hall building;
    - Piazza del Duomo: National Archaeological Museum;
    - Stretta Pozzo di Callisto (stairs present), via Monastero Maggiore: Monastery of Santa Maria in Valle e Longobard Temple,
    - via Monastero Maggiore, stretta Cornelio Gallo, via G.B. Candotti (stairs present): Christian Museum and Cathedral Treasure;
    - Piazza del Duomo: Duomo e Palazzo de Nordis;
    - Largo Boiani, Foro Giulio Cesare, piazza Dante: Arsenale Veneto Porta S.Pietro;
    - via Ristori, Piazza Paolo Diacono

    There is an alternative to this route without architectural barriers: The four faces of Cividale - without architectural barriers
  • Arsenale Veneto (Porta San Pietro)

    L'arsenale veneto o porta di Borgo San Pietro fu così chiamata perché nei pressi sorgeva una chiesetta con questo titolo. Venne costruito nella forma originale nel 1585 e dopo alcuni anni divenne il deposito delle armi cittadine.

    Sulla faccia esterna è murato il più antico stemma della Città.
    Su una delle pareti è fissa una lapide ebraica fatta incidere nel 1568 quale copia di un’iscrizione antichissima ritrovata nel 1465 e poi misteriosamente smarrita.

    Ulteriori informazioni
    Tel: +39 0432 710460